Grebe API markdown=yes Grebe is the name of a blogging app. This is Grebe's API description. It's currently used at . It uses REST and JSON. Each function below is preceded with `/api/v1` in the URI, so for Make Toledo, it would be ``. Example of activating a new user account: `` Example of retrieving the posts that get displayed on the homepage at `` At the moment, I don't have SSL enabled for, and OAuth is not used. For GETs that require the user to be logged-in, the URI ends with the query string: `/?user_name=[user_name]&user_id=[user_id]&session_id=[session_id]` POST and PUT requests will also need the above name=value pairs encoded and sent to the API. ### Users * Create a new user account. POST request. `/users` Client sends JSON to the API: `{ "user_name" : "userA", "email" : "" }` * Activate user account. GET request. `/users/activate/[user_digest]` * Login user. Post request. `/users/login` Client sends JSON to the API: `{ "email" : "", "password" : "plaintextpwd" }` * Retrieve profile page info for user name JR. GET request. `/users/JR` * Logout user JR. GET request. `/users/JR/logout` * Retrieve new password for existing account. User would not be logged in. This would be executed for someone who forgot or lost a password. POST request. `/users/password` Client sends JSON to the API: `{ "user_name" : "userA", "email" : "" }` * Update password for existing account. User must be logged-in. PUT request. `/users/password` Client sends JSON to the API: `{ "old_password" : "oldpwdtext", "new_password" : "newpwdtxt", "verify_password" : "newpwdtxt", "user_name" : "userA", "user_id" : 123 }` * Update e-mail and/or profile description for the user. PUT request. `/users` Client sends JSON to the API: `{ "user_name" : "userA", "user_id" : 123, "desc_markup" : "my profile page info for others to view.", "email" : "" }` ### Posts * Show stream of posts. GET request. `/posts` `/posts/?type=note&author=jr` `/posts/?type=draft&author=jr` `/posts/?sortby=modified` `/posts/?page=3` `/posts/?author=jr` **To-Do:** support `/posts/?year=2014&month=05&day=02` * Retrieve single post. GET request. `/posts/5` `/posts/5?/text=markup` `/posts/5/?text=html` `/posts/5/?text=full` **To-Do:** support `/posts/5/?fields=title,uri_title,created_date,etc.` * Retrieve list of related posts. GET request. `/posts/5/?related=yes` * Delete an post with ID number 5. `/posts/5/?action=delete` * Undelete an post with ID number 5. `/posts/5/?action=undelete` * Create a new post. POST request. `/posts` In addition to the name=value logged-in credentials listed above, the client sends the following JSON to the API: `{ "post_text" : "this is the post text." }` Sample returned JSON: `{"post_id":"9","status":201,"description":"Created"}` * Update post with ID number 5. PUT request `/posts` In addition to the name=value logged-in credentials listed above, the client sends the following JSON to the API: `{ "post_id": "5", "post_digest": "ru48f9re39jf023jf", "post_text":"updated text"}` ### Versions * Show version list for post ID 5 `/versions/5` * Compare two post versions based upon their numeric post IDs. This example compares post post ID 1 and post ID 2 `/versions/1/2` ### Tags * Show list of tags, sorted by name `/tags/?sortby=name` * Show list of tags, sorted by count `/tags/?sortby=count` * Show stream of posts for tag 'food.' `/tags/food` OR `/searches/tag/tagname` ### Searches * Search for the phrase "text string" `/searches/string/text+string` * Retrieve page three of the search results for the phrase "text string" `/searches/string/text+string/3` * Retrieve posts that contain mentions of both "Toledo" AND "Detroit" `/searches/string/toledo+AND+detroit` * Retrieve posts that contain either mentions of "pizza" OR "bread" `/searches/string/pizza+OR+bread` * Retrieve posts with the tag "food" `/searches/tag/food` * Retrieve page three of the search results for tag "food" `/searches/tag/food/3` * Retrieve posts that contain the tags "beer" AND "cheese" `/searches/tag/beer+AND+cheese` * Retrieve posts that contain either the tags "fishing" OR "cycling" `/searches/tag/fishing+OR+cycling` ## Returned JSON ### Created a new user account. {"email":"","password":"hx7epyyd","user_digest":"Afvh7gO1t9a8ptJSqVzITg","status":201,"user_id":"4","description":"Created","user_name":"testuser1403714996"} ### Logged-in. code. {"session_id":"rvBvLDXmPjohnbiTM9t2MQ","status":200,"user_id":"4","description":"OK","user_name":"testuser1403714996"} code.. ### Updated password. code. {"session_id":"BSif8wk2iqSks6QNXIySw","status":200,"user_id":"4","user_name":"testuser1403714996"} code.. ### Created an article, note, or draft post. code. {"status":200,"post_id":"119","description":"Created"} code.. ### Updated an article, note, or draft post. code. {"status":201,"post_id":"121","description":"Updated"} code.. ### Deleted or Undeleted a post. code. {"status":200,"description":"OK"} code.. ### Get post for user who is not the author. code. { "status" : 200, "description" : "OK", "parent_id" : "0", "post_id" : "9", "title" : "2014-05-02 15:13:57 this will be the title", "uri_title" : "20140502-15-13-57-this-will-be-the-title", "formatted_text" : "

here is the start of the body text


here is some more text.


testin markdown bolding


hashtag #test #perl

\n", "author_name" : "testuser1398830044", "created_date" : "2014-05-02 15:13:58", "modified_date" : "2014-05-02 15:13:58", "formatted_created_date" : "May 02, 2014" "formatted_modified_date" : "May 02, 2014", "reader_is_author" : 0, "post_status" : "o", "post_type" : "a", "related_posts_count" : 2, "version" : "1", "tags" : "|test|perl|", } code.. ### Stream of posts. code. code.. ### Tag list by sorted by count code. {"total_unique_tags":20,"sort_by":"count","tag_list":[{"tag_count":"10","tag_name":"test"},{"tag_count":"10","tag_name":"perl"},{"tag_count":"9","tag_name":"home"},{"tag_count":"8","tag_name":"beer"},{"tag_count":"7","tag_name":"beverage"},{"tag_count":"5","tag_name":"recipe"},{"tag_count":"3","tag_name":"food"},{"tag_count":"2","tag_name":"todo"},{"tag_count":"2","tag_name":"flower"},{"tag_count":"2","tag_name":"garden"},{"tag_count":"2","tag_name":"nature"},{"tag_count":"2","tag_name":"toledo"},{"tag_count":"1","tag_name":"insect"},{"tag_count":"1","tag_name":"environment"},{"tag_count":"1","tag_name":"tag2"},{"tag_count":"1","tag_name":"blogging"},{"tag_count":"1","tag_name":"business"},{"tag_count":"1","tag_name":"bread"},{"tag_count":"1","tag_name":"tag1"},{"tag_count":"1","tag_name":"grebe"}],"status":200,"description":"OK"} code.. ### Tag list sorted by name. code. {"total_unique_tags":20,"sort_by":"name","tag_list":[{"tag_count":"8","tag_name":"beer"},{"tag_count":"7","tag_name":"beverage"},{"tag_count":"1","tag_name":"blogging"},{"tag_count":"1","tag_name":"bread"},{"tag_count":"1","tag_name":"business"},{"tag_count":"1","tag_name":"environment"},{"tag_count":"2","tag_name":"flower"},{"tag_count":"3","tag_name":"food"},{"tag_count":"2","tag_name":"garden"},{"tag_count":"1","tag_name":"grebe"},{"tag_count":"9","tag_name":"home"},{"tag_count":"1","tag_name":"insect"},{"tag_count":"2","tag_name":"nature"},{"tag_count":"10","tag_name":"perl"},{"tag_count":"5","tag_name":"recipe"},{"tag_count":"1","tag_name":"tag1"},{"tag_count":"1","tag_name":"tag2"},{"tag_count":"10","tag_name":"test"},{"tag_count":"2","tag_name":"todo"},{"tag_count":"2","tag_name":"toledo"}],"status":200,"description":"OK"} code..